Our Mission

Meliorism is the belief that the world can be improved through human action.

At Meliorism Works Fund, our mission is to aid people who have been managing chronic or acute trauma that threatens to derail their forward progress in life on any level. Our goal is to provide this aid in several forms. The first is a hardship fund that provides cash grants (CatalystCash). When people managing trauma are burdened with the added stress of needing cash for some important reason, we want to help. The second layer of assistance is with referrals to people and places that can help with other types of needs. And the third layer is through healing oriented services we provide. This may be a one time service or an ongoing service with the goal of managing issues that cause disruption to the person’s life and those around them.

We are a 501c3 nonprofit in Wilmington, DE. Our Board of Directors and staff are committed to supporting individuals dealing with trauma through cash grants (CatalystCash).

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